The definition of a cupola can take on many meanings.
1. cu•po•la (kyou' puh luh), noun 1. Archit. a. A light structure on a dome or roof, serving as a belfry, lantern, or belvedere. b. a dome, esp. one covering a circular or polygonal area. 2. any of various domelike structures. 3. Foundry. a vertical furnace for melting iron to be cast. [< It < L cupula, see CUP (from Latin, meaning tub or cask) + ULE. (from Latin, meaning small)]
2. cu•po•la a dome, especially a small dome on a circular or polygonal base crowning a roof or turret.
Cupola and Weathervane |
I consider cupolas to be ornamental structures placed in a prominent position, typically on top of a roof, dome, or turret. Cupolas appear to be miniature structures in themselves. Cupolas tend be be used more as a decorative structure nowadays then a functional venting structure, which ridge vents now serve the purpose of. Cupolas can still be used for venting barns or other buildings with excess heat build-up, but most often they are crowned on homes, garages, barns, sheds, and gazebos as a decorative focal point to mount a weathervane or finial on top of. Cupolas have been around dating back to 8th century Islam, and gained popularity in Europe in the 17th century. Why not keep this history alive on your home with a beautiful cupola?
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